Version - 1.08
- Click the above link
- Enter your contact information (name and email)
- Select the NetBurner tools and firmware
- Download the zip file to a directory on your computer
- Unzip the zip file and unpack the Netburner tools
- Configure your computer to the same subnet as the unit to be updated
- Run AutoUpdate.exe
- Enter the IP address of the unit or click ‘Find’
- Click Browse and select the *.s19 file
- Check “Reboot when complete”
- Click Update – the firmware will be loaded into the unit
- Click OK – the unit will reboot, running the new version
- Wait for the display to return to normal and say “System Ready”
- Wait a couple seconds more and turn off the ACU-M
- Turn on the ACU-M
- If upgrading from a version before 1.07, it will display “Application Updating” and count through a large amount of code
- Wait for that to complete and the display to return to normal before turning the ACU-M off again
- If upgrading from version 1.04 or below, you may need to reset the ACU-M to factory defaults through the RESET hole on the back of the unit – this should be done after the update is complete