Analog Backhaul
CPM-3 - 1.11
IP/Mixed Backhaul
CPM-3 - 3.03
SVM-3 - 1.09
QMT-1B - 1.05
*QMT-1 firmware can be found here
CPM-3 or QMT-1 Firmware Update
- Download the firmware file(s) and AutoUpdate (in the Netburner Tools) to the same directory on the computer.
- Configure your computer to access the unit to be updated over the network.
- Run AutoUpdate.exe
- Enter the IP address of the unit or click Find if on the same local network.
- In the FileName box, enter the correct APP.s19 file or click Browse and select the file.
- Check "Reboot when complete".
- Click Update. The firmware will be loaded into the unit.
- Click OK. The unit will reboot, running the new version.
- Note: If the unit is a CPM-3, it will update other modules as necessary.
SVM-3 Firmware Update
- Browse to the module's IP address and select the Software Update page.
- Using the Browse button on this page, select the new firmware file from your computer.
- The filename will be something like “svm3_verxxx.bin”.
- Click on the UPDATE button.
- The update takes about 45 seconds to complete.
- During this time the SVM-3 will automatically reboot itself.
- Do not remove the SVM-3 from the chassis and do not cycle the power during this time.
- Wait for the SVM-3 to reboot and browse to the Information page to verify the update is complete.
The QMT-1B Firmware Update
- Browse to the unit's IP address and select the Security page.
- Login with Administrator level credentials. Default is Administrator Name: Admin, Password: lightfoot.
- Once on the Security page, click on SOFTWARE UPDATE.
- Login again.
- Use the BROWSE button to browse to your computer and select the filename something like “qmt1b_verxxx.bin”.
- Click on the SEND FILE button to update the QMT1B. The QMT-1B will then reboot automatically.